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The Anchor of Our Souls

One week ago today, Jesus rode in on the beast of burden; and He was acquainted with the weight He was to bear. One week ago, crowds of witnesses to the power of a miracle-working Jesus called out, “Hosanna!” and ascribed Him as King. But the same to do these things were quick to associate Barrabas with themselves, claiming that even he was more sinless than the blasphemer, the threat to Rome, Jesus.

Three days ago, a cross was carried up a hill. Through bone and muscle three nails persisted, pressing the beautiful and sinless Savior to the wood that our backs deserved. He bled. He bled. He continued to bleed until nothing poured out. He died, pinned to the sin of the world. He let His last breath rise to Heaven as a fulfilling vapor to the Lord.

Today, a stone was rolled away. Not for Mary to dress the dead Jesus. Not for Roman soldiers to check. But for something much greater. Early in the morning, a tomb was emptied. Christ has risen! The grave was overthrown and reinstated as a mere hole in the mount.

Today, the Anchor of our souls was cast heavily into the sea. The raging of men and sins and evils abroad could not sway the strong hope of Christ’s resurrection!

“So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of His purpose, He guaranteed it with an oath, so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might find strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us. We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever.” (Hebrews 6:17-20)

This Jesus, who bore our griefs and torment and the encumbering weight of sin, makes an appeal to the Judge that judged Him guilty, that we might be judged innocent on His behalf. The Anchor sank deep into our sea of transgressions, not faltering in His purpose to save us. Christ’s death was the most sacrificial act that will ever be done for you. His life, though, perfects that sacrifice, sealing His status as Lord and King over all, including immaterial, impending death.

He has risen! And with His rising, every man and woman can harness the ship of their souls to the Anchor that is trustworthy, powerful, and unstoppable!

Everything preceding and following this day is meaningless, a cynically man-made delusion, if the King still lay dead. But He does not! He is a breathing Savior. An active intercessor on behalf of active sinners. The only reason that love and trust and hope can be justified is through one who loves to the very end. In Him, we find hope and trust. In a risen Lord, we find triumph.

The mouth of the earth could not stay shut, so let not our mouths stay shut in proclaiming the glory of the risen Jesus!


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